Station was shut down at 12:15 pm - "brain" removed on 4/25/2006 by field team (Louis Florit, Lew Gramer, Jeff Absten) in order to replace the non-reporting shallow BIC sensor. The corresponding cable was also replaced. The deep BIC sensor was cleaned and moved to a new bracket holding the sensor approx. 1m out from the pylon.
While the station was shut down, a cable for the SAMI pCO2 sensor was installed, and the mounting bracket for the unit was bolted onto the pylon by divers (Jim Hendee, Jeff Absten).
"Brain" reinstalled and station turned back on 4/27/2006 at 9:20 am. All instruments reporting except for deep BIC. 10:00 am transmission interupted due to radio modem interferance. 11:00 am first confirmed transmission.
Groundtruth CTD deployed : no cleaning done to CTDs at this time.
Pylon was wiped clean. Chains and legs were not cleaned, some bivalves found growing on chain should be removed.
10-20 small squid hanging around 1m. About 5-10 Small 8" parrot fish observed around base of station. 1 small 8" grouper at baseplate.