Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Cleaning update June

A complete cleaning of the CREWS station in La Parguera, Puerto Rico was performed on June, 2, 2008 by Francisco Soto and Jorge Casillas.

The validation CT was installed at 7:50am and removed at 11:30am. The station was cleaned between 9:10 and 9:55am.

Basic cleaning of the CREWS station in La Parguera, Puerto Rico was performed on June 10, 2008 by Francisco Soto and Jorge Casillas from 9am - 9 30am.

A second cleaning of the CREWS station in La Parguera, Puerto Rico was performed on June 27, 2008 by Francisco Soto and Jorge Casillas from 9am - 9 30am.

Cleaning Update May 2008

A complete cleaning of the CREWS station in La Parguera, Puerto Rico was performed on May 7, 2008 by Francisco Soto and Katie Flynn.

A basic cleaning of the CREWS station in La Parguera, Puerto Rico was performed on May 14, 2008 by Francisco Soto and Jorge Casillas.