At this time, the only operational part of the station is the navigational light (white, half-second flash every four seconds, visible for 3.2 nm). This is apparently the only navigational light between Cabo Roja and Ponce, and will serve as a good entrance channel marker to the Reserve and general embayment area. The instruments and electrical infrastructure are scheduled to be installed during the week of December 5th, 2005. Final rigging adjustments will also be attended to at that time. The sensors will include those for measuring wind speeds and gusts, barometric pressure, relative humidity, precipitation, photosynthetically available radiation (PAR, above and below water), ultraviolet radiation (UV 305, 330, 380nm, above and below water), state of tide, sea temperature, salinity, and pulse amplitude modulating (PAM) fluorometry on up to four species of coral.
Cheers, Jim Hendee