Wednesday, September 15, 2010

LPPR1 ICON/CREWS Navigation Light On-site Validation

This evening Wess Merten and Duane Sanabria went out to visit the CREWS station to perform a basic clean and validate that the light was or was not working after the end of civil twilight (~18:51). I recorded three videos: one at 18:55, another at 17:00, and the last at 17:19. The videos can be seen in movie format in the embeded movie below. The light is working, but does it work all the time?

When I arrived to the station today there were 4 brown boobies resting amongst the sensors. This is the most birds I have seen roosting atop the station.

In unrelated but related news, I spotted a juvenile Lionfish(5cm)on the outskirt of the station's reef while cleaning the peripheral lines.